ABSTRACT: Strategies for Promoting Teamwork and Collaboration Skills in Vocational Settings address the importance of teamwork and collaborative abilities in preparing vocational students for modern workplaces. This study aimed to identify effective strategies for fostering teamwork and collaboration among students in vocational training programs. The objectives were: to assess the current level of teamwork skills among vocational students, to evaluate the impact of collaborative learning environments on student performance and employability, and to propose innovative approaches to enhancing teamwork skills in vocational education. A survey design was employed to collect comprehensive data from educators, students, and industry leaders, providing insights into current practices and challenges in teamwork development. A sample size of 300 respondents was selected using a purposive sampling technique to include participants with experience in teamwork and collaboration within vocational settings. The case study focused on the Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State. Findings indicated that while teamwork skills were valued, there was a need for structured training and experiential learning opportunities to enhance collaboration among students. It was recommended that vocational institutions should integrate team-based projects into their curricula, provide training on collaborative techniques, and foster a supportive environment that encourages teamwork among students.
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